Monday, February 1, 2010

A Golden Age of Apologetics

For many traditional Catholics, the last 40 years has been a catechetical and liturgical wasteland. Since the decline of the teaching religious orders and the rise of laity directed religious education, most Catholic adults ceased their faith formation after Confirmation. Most adult Catholics could not list the Holydays of Obligation and could not tell you what is meant by the Incarnation or Immaculate Conception.
Although the numbers of those calling themselves Catholic have increased since the 1970’s, Catholics since the Second Vatican Council have been poorly catechized and are ill equipped to pass on the Faith.
Since the early ‘90’s, we have seen the rise of a new generation of apologists, led by the likes of Father Benedict Groeschel and Dr. Scott Hahn. Catholic media, pioneered by Mother Angelica’s EWTN has catapulted Catholic teaching and apologetics into the world of Cyberspace.
Now, into the Twenty-first century, we are witnessing an explosion of Catholic websites and Blogs providing new and exciting ways to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ to new tech savvy Catholics. Even Pope Benedict himself calls on his priests and bishops to utilize the new technology to educate, inform and catechize a new generation of Catholics. After years in the desert, this is indeed a ‘golden age” for spreading the Gospel and Catholic apologetics

1 comment:

  1. I tend to avoid extremes of imagining that our time is the best or worst of anything, but I like your take on this. The less people know, the more opportunity there is to share knowledge.
